You are our home

So we moved. And after everything flew upward, into the wind, the settling down is just now beginning to take place. Nothing is where it was before; everything is finding a new home. We are discovering new roads, new people, new schools, new coffee shops, new new grocery stores. We are in a new houseContinue reading “You are our home”

Threadbare bed sheets

Recently I lay in bed in the early morning, watching the sun barely make its presence known through the slits of my bedroom blinds. I rested comfortably in between my thick, soft sheets, reluctant to get up and begin the day. I also felt concerned for one of my kids, and wanted to ask theContinue reading “Threadbare bed sheets”

For sleep-deprived parents

Wondering what’s been happening here at kitchenstool? Well… instead of writing about adoption, we have been living it out at our house. (Really good news on that front, stay tuned!) Lots has been happening, and our boys have chosen this particular few weeks to get up at night… a lot. Sometimes crying, sometimes screaming, sometimes ridingContinue reading “For sleep-deprived parents”

Adoption resources

Last week I wrote about asking for help. If you’re on an adoption journey, or you know someone who is, help yourself to this resource list. I’ve listed below a few of our favorite “helps” that have been valuable to our family from the waiting period all the through to raising adopted kiddos. Enjoy and pass it on!Continue reading “Adoption resources”

2 Ways Adoption is Changing Me (part 2)

I enjoy helping people. I love to sit down across the table from another woman and listen to her story. Listen to what she needs. What she really needs. And offer her what I have to give… Jesus, his gospel, my own experience, the things I’ve learned from Scripture and from life. In fact, IContinue reading “2 Ways Adoption is Changing Me (part 2)”

A Mama’s Love

As an adoptive and foster mama, some days are hard. Some days I need a reminder of why I do what I do. This video did just that for me today: To all my fellow adoptive and foster moms, I hope this encourages you, too. You are providing something valuable and vitally necessary for the kidsContinue reading “A Mama’s Love”

2 Ways Adoption is Changing Me (part 1)

Growing up, I was a pretty good kid. The youngest of 4 siblings, I learned to watch my older brothers and sister and take notes on the things to do… and not to do. (The “not to do” page grew fairly lengthy in our particular case 🙂 ). I avoided some of the pitfalls myContinue reading “2 Ways Adoption is Changing Me (part 1)”

Forever families

It’s National Adoption Month! John and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary this year. Looking back over our 20 years together, I’m amazed to see the landscape of circumstances and experiences that have made us “us.” Moves, job changes, church plants, seminaries, births, deaths, friends, changes, conflicts, resolutions… all the twists and turns of walkingContinue reading “Forever families”

Sabbatical rest

Our church graciously gave our family a sabbatical this summer. Two months off, no commitments or expectations. We are seven years into our church plant, so the timing seemed right. More than that, I think our leadership had begun to see us fray around the edges as we have waded together through some pretty toughContinue reading “Sabbatical rest”

One day is enough

I’ve heard the saying for ages… just take one day at a time. I’ve heard it so many times that I’ve forgotten that it’s actually a wise statement. It comes from the Bible of course: Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is itsContinue reading “One day is enough”