To do… or already done?

When I have a few days off from work, my mind is full to the brim of all the tasks I could tackle around the house. Tasks that I usually don’t have time to prioritize with a full-time teaching job. Organize the playroom, purge the storage room, hang bulletin boards in the boys’ rooms, finishContinue reading “To do… or already done?”

Tough decisions

I’ve been trying to make some difficult decisions lately… decisions mainly about how to spend my time.  When it comes to spending time outside my work at home, I tend to overcommit.  My eyes are bigger than my stomach, so to speak.  I tend to think something sounds like a great opportunity, only to discover later thatContinue reading “Tough decisions”

Everyone is looking for you

Mark 1:12-2:12 (part one) Jesus’s opening scene in the book of Mark begins with a bang and doesn’t let up.  So much story is packed into these beginning verses.  The narrative reads like a modern-day movie, jumping from scene to scene to communicate a sense of urgency.  Jesus calling his disciples, Jesus teaching, Jesus traveling,Continue reading “Everyone is looking for you”