Give or receive?

During the holiday season, we talk a lot about giving. That “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). And, of course, I believe this is true. Giving to others can bless your socks off. And I agree, you are more blessed when you give than when you receive. Until it comesContinue reading “Give or receive?”

He holds everything together

A friend of mine preached a good sermon recently and challenged us with this question, “Am I spending time with God because I know he loves me? Or so that he will love me?” It’s a huge question. One that I continue to ask myself as I go through this strange “quiet time” purge. I’m afraidContinue reading “He holds everything together”

Invite him in

What did you learn during Lent this year? I shared with you all a couple of weeks ago that this year, I gave up my quiet times during Lent. My traditional, routine, disciplined “quiet times” had become much more about me than they were about God. So I gave them up. What did I do instead?Continue reading “Invite him in”

Utterly loved

I’ve been thinking about this phrase lately, during Lent: I am utterly loved. It’s hard for me to wrap my brain and heart around. Hard for me to believe, honestly. Utterly loved? Like, totally and completely? No matter what? That’s not how my brain works. I’m the kid who loved to see the line of starContinue reading “Utterly loved”

Threadbare bed sheets

Recently I lay in bed in the early morning, watching the sun barely make its presence known through the slits of my bedroom blinds. I rested comfortably in between my thick, soft sheets, reluctant to get up and begin the day. I also felt concerned for one of my kids, and wanted to ask theContinue reading “Threadbare bed sheets”

The reminder you really need

What do you need most in 2015? Most of us are undoubtedly reevaluating our lives and considering making changes for the new year. More exercise, tweak the diet, get up earlier, reduce media. I’ve been doing the same. Recently, however, one of my best friends gave me what I really need most for 2015. SheContinue reading “The reminder you really need”

2 Ways Adoption is Changing Me (part 2)

I enjoy helping people. I love to sit down across the table from another woman and listen to her story. Listen to what she needs. What she really needs. And offer her what I have to give… Jesus, his gospel, my own experience, the things I’ve learned from Scripture and from life. In fact, IContinue reading “2 Ways Adoption is Changing Me (part 2)”

2 Ways Adoption is Changing Me (part 1)

Growing up, I was a pretty good kid. The youngest of 4 siblings, I learned to watch my older brothers and sister and take notes on the things to do… and not to do. (The “not to do” page grew fairly lengthy in our particular case 🙂 ). I avoided some of the pitfalls myContinue reading “2 Ways Adoption is Changing Me (part 1)”