You be you

It’s hard to be yourself. Just yourself. Sometimes I do pretty well being myself. I know who I am and I walk around being that person. Then, unfortunately, I get sidetracked. I walk around trying to be myself… and everyone else… at the same time. It’s super tiring. And confusing. And irritating. For me andContinue reading “You be you”

Called to do? Or called to be?

John and I have spent many years helping people discover their calling– the unique way God has designed them and the unique works he has called them to do. (In fact, John has launched a nonprofit ministry just for this purpose.) It’s usually about this time of year that we sit down and preach theContinue reading “Called to do? Or called to be?”

Day 31: Your plan

Today we put it all together… My calling statement: God has created me to… My calling image: I am like a… My mission: I am called to… My plan: Through the Spirit I will… You’ve written your calling statement, decided on your calling image, and explained it in your mission. Today, as we finish this 31-day journey, you willContinue reading “Day 31: Your plan”

Day 30: The world’s deep hunger

Remember Frederick Buechner’s definition of vocation from Day 2? Buechner defines vocation as the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet. Over the past month you have discovered your deep gladness, what makes you tick, what brings you joy. You’ve uncovered the themes that show up in your life again and again,Continue reading “Day 30: The world’s deep hunger”

Day 29: Your mission

So far you’ve written your calling statement: I am created to… And you’ve brainstormed your calling image: I am like a… Now we’re going to put those two together and write out your mission: I am called to… Your mission will be a paragraph describing your calling. Let me explain by showing you how my calling themes cameContinue reading “Day 29: Your mission”

Day 28: Your calling image

Today may be my favorite day out of the whole discover your calling journey. For all you visual learners out there, this day is for you. Today you will take the calling statement you wrote yesterday and transform it into an image. A visual representation of what you sense God created you to do andContinue reading “Day 28: Your calling image”

Day 27: God created me to…

Here we go! Over the next few days, you will craft an image of your personal calling. Yesterday you read through your journal and highlighted the themes of your calling. Today we’re going to distill those themes into the first sentence of your calling image. Read back over the highlighted words, phrases, and ideas in yourContinue reading “Day 27: God created me to…”

Day 26: Themes of your calling

Your journal is bursting with 25-days-worth of reflections on your calling. Answers to questions designed to help you understand your unique contribution to God’s “supreme reformation project” that is going on in the world around you. Now it’s time to shift gears. We’ve asked a lot of good questions, and now you will turn to seeContinue reading “Day 26: Themes of your calling”

Day 25: I could do this forever!

When was the last time you had the thought, “I could do this forever!”? I often ask that question in the classes I teach on calling. Remember, I’m still operating under the principle that God made us for a purpose, and when we are living out that purpose something will feel “right.” We might evenContinue reading “Day 25: I could do this forever!”