Day 25: I could do this forever!

When was the last time you had the thought, “I could do this forever!”? I often ask that question in the classes I teach on calling. Remember, I’m still operating under the principle that God made us for a purpose, and when we are living out that purpose something will feel “right.” We might evenContinue reading “Day 25: I could do this forever!”

Day 11: Using your strengths at home

Over the past few days, you have been gaining a better understanding of yourself and your strengths. So far you have: Taken the Clifton StrengthsFinder online assessment Printed your personalized reports Highlighted the words and phrases that particularly describe you Written a paragraph describing how you use your strengths in your place of work WeContinue reading “Day 11: Using your strengths at home”

Day 10: Using your strengths at work

Now that you’ve taken the online strengths assessment and highlighted the parts you feel describe you, we’re going to take a couple of days to think through how your strengths show up in your everyday life. Hopefully you’re gaining a better understanding of what your individual strengths look like and you can probably already seeContinue reading “Day 10: Using your strengths at work”

Day 9: Understanding your strengths

Now that you’ve taken the Clifton StrengthsFinder online assessment, we are going to take a few days to unpack and better understand your results. Here’s your assignment for today: Print your Signature Themes Report  as well as your Strengths Insight Guide. You can find these links next to your results when you log in to your account.Continue reading “Day 9: Understanding your strengths”

Day 8: What are your strengths?

As we continue on the journey to discover your calling, it’s time to shift into a discussion about your strengths. We began to scratch the surface of your strengths on Day 5 when we asked the question, “What are you good at doing?” Today we’re going to join the millions of people who have used theContinue reading “Day 8: What are your strengths?”