Day 26: Themes of your calling

Your journal is bursting with 25-days-worth of reflections on your calling. Answers to questions designed to help you understand your unique contribution to God’s “supreme reformation project” that is going on in the world around you. Now it’s time to shift gears. We’ve asked a lot of good questions, and now you will turn to seeContinue reading “Day 26: Themes of your calling”

Day 12: Your story

Your story has everything to do with your calling. God has gifted you with many unique attributes, but none so unique as your particular life story. So far in the journey to discover your calling, we have been looking at how God created you. God created you with specific things that make you deeply glad and thingsContinue reading “Day 12: Your story”

Day 3: What makes you happy?

Yesterday we defined calling as your unique contribution to God’s “supreme reformation project” that is underway in our world (Cornelius Plantinga). So, our task is to discover what your unique contribution looks like. To “get at” that idea, we’re going to start with some really fun questions. We’re going to start with what makes youContinue reading “Day 3: What makes you happy?”

Day 1: Discover your calling

Are you wrestling with any of these questions right now? What am I supposed to do with my life? How do I focus my time and energy? What is the best use of me and my talents? How do I decide when to say “yes” and when to say “no?” What have I been createdContinue reading “Day 1: Discover your calling”